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EPSRC Project Description:

A sophisticated model of flaring atmosphere heated by a proton and electron beam injected from the primary energy release site on the top is investigated. Protons and electrons are considered to be accelerated by electric field in the reconnecting current sheet and then are assumed to precipitate into a converging magnetic loop down to the bottom of the atmosphere in Coulomb and inelastic collisions with the ambient plasma and beam ions and electrons while protons also exchange their energy with the ambient plasma electrons via the kinetic Alfven wave turbulence. A possible separation of electrons from protons in the beam during the precipitation caused by a wide-angular electron scattering is to be taken into account by solving the kinetic and integral Ohmic law equations. Further precipitation of both beams to the bottom of the atmosphere is also investigated as well as their energy deposition at given depth and its timescale, the outcome is to be compared with helioseismic observations. A temporal evolution of the resulting hard X-ray bremsstrahlung and soft X-ray line emission (Ca XIX, Si XV, Fe XXV) from flaring atmospheres is to be compared with those produced by pure electron beams and the observed ones.

Location: Department of Computing and MathematicsSchool of InformaticsUniversity of Bradford.

Financial support: This project was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, grant GR/R/53449/01 (2002-2005)

PPARC/STFC Project Description:

The project aims to investigate proton and electron kinetics at acceleration by varying electric field, generated during magnetic reconnection in a reconnecting current sheet (RCS), formed by interacting loops, and at their precipitation into the loop legs. The particle trajectories and their distributions in an RCS governed by the electric field will be investigated using test particle, particle-in-cell and full kinetic approaches for various magnitudes of the magnetic field components of a 3D magnetic configuration taking into account the collective electric field effects. The precipitation of electron and proton beams into flaring atmospheres with a converging magnetic field will be further investigated including interaction with particles (for electrons) and with particles and waves (for protons). The plasma heating and macro-velocities of flaring atmospheres caused by hydrodynamic responses to the injection of each type of particles will be compared with the helioseismic observations and suitable scenarios for particle transport will be selected.

Location: Department of Computing and MathematicsSchool of InformaticsUniversity of Bradford.

Financial support: This project is supported by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), now Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), grant duration: 24 months (October 07 – September 09).

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