Interview with Prof V. Zharkova by Kim Greenhouse

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Prof. V.Zharkova, a Ukrainian-born British solar researcher of Northumbria University, Newcastle, with a solid academic background, has been warning about a dangerous phenomenon that could lead to dramatic climate and weather changes as well as global cooling for 30 years as shown in the Nature SR paper by Zharkova et al, 2015 and clarified in Zharkova, 2020.
Zharkova used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a mathematical method to detect own oscillations of solar background magnetic field (SBMF), which has produced 97 percent accuracy in mapping the SBMF variations for the past 4 solar cycles. These SBMF variations were shown linked to the movement of sunspots (Zharkova et al., 2023a) used currently for definition of solar activity. Sunspots are roots of magnetic loops embedded into the solar surface (photosphere), representing the cooler regions of the sun’s surface that move around periodically and appear darker when photographed. We say cooler, but really these sunspots still maintain incredible temperatures of around 4,200 degrees Celsius.
Media worldwide covered this upcoming grand solar minimum in 2020-2053 which will bring a reduction of solar magnetic field, solar activity and terrestrial temperature similarly to that during Maunder minimum in 17 century.
Later in Zharkova et al 2019 she demonstrated that magnetic field of the sun also undergo two millennial oscillations of its baseline caused by the shift of the Sun towards or from the terrestrial orbit caused by the gravitation of large planets, called solar inertial motion (SIM). This article suggested that the current global warming is aa part of usual Hallstatt’s cycle of the solar irradiance oscillation caused by this SIM. The paper was retracted by the Editor of SR on demand of the AGW people claiming that the Sun-Earth distances do not change as predicted by SIM.
However, later Zharkova, 2021 presented the official ephemeris of the Sun-Earth distances in the last two millennia 600-2600 proving the conclusions of their paper by Zharkova et al 2019 that the Sun-Earth distances change very significantly during ~2000-2300 years period. These baseline oscillations were regularly seen in magnetic field variations in the past 120,000 years and observed in solar irradiance restored by a few authors for the Holocene as shown in the book chapter by Zharkova, 2021 and recent paper by Zharkova et al, 2023b.
Her studies have become controversial over the years because Zharkova has shown that the current climate changes is caused by the orbital motion of the Sun and variations of the solar activity not being related carbon dioxide variations. Zharkova emphasized that the global warming will become irrelevant in the next three decades during the modern grand solar minimum (GSM), which started in 2020 and will last until 2053, This GSM will cause a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature by up to 1oC in the next 30 years and not its increase as warned by the IPCC people.
In a 2019 interview with the award-winning Canadian journalist Stuart McNish on his program “Conversations That Matter,” Valentina Zharkova, who authored world-leading research as well as numerous ground-breaking publications, explained that they have been observing signs that since 2015, solar activity has been decreasing in a manner only seen during the Grand Solar Minimum, which last occurred during the Maunder Minimum, also known as the “prolonged sunspot minimum,” seen 400 years ago.
Zharkova V. cited National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other research organizations have noted this trend in various ways but hid the information from the public. According to her, tsignificantly reduced solar activity will inevitably lead to dramatic climate and weather changes such as a massive global cooling that could be likened to a mini ice age. (Related: NO WARMING AT ALL: Global COOLING continues for eighth straight year, according to NOAA data.) The independent news outlet raised people’s concern about the globalists’ Agenda 2030 and claims of “human-induced global warming,” which are supposed to affect us in the early 2030s.
“Between cycle 25 and 11 years of cycle 26 [the least active cycle], and between cycle 26 and 27, will be the coldest period on Earth, and we will feel it through a lack of vegetation,” the researcher and lecturer with a doctorate in astrophysics said. This means that starting after the active period during the ‘Solar Cycle 25,’ from the second half of this decade until the early 2050s, Earth will experience exceptional cold, extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Zharkova pointed to 2030 as the year when it will seriously begin, warning that the 2030s will be so cold that it will result in a severe food shortage.
“The question is why they are not warning us about what is truly on the horizon, as they are likely well aware of it. Even more concerning is why they are misleading the world’s governments and people into believing that the threat is warmth. Potential answers to these questions are unsettling,” the article read.
Prof. V.Zharkova’s credentials. V. Zharkova ( has published over 200 articles, including four articles in Nature-affiliated journals. On 27 May 1998, Prof.Zharkova and S, Kosovichev of Stanford University, US published in Nature journal a paper reporting discovery of a sunquake induced by a solar flare detected by the Michael Doppler Imager abord of the SOHO satellite. Solar flares are intense localized explosions of electromagnetic radiation, particles and waves in the sun’s atmosphere, which strongly affect the terrestrial atmosphere causing Aurora Borealis and affecting the electric energy grids on Earth.
V. Zharkova and her PhD student Druett M. in another Nature Communications paper (Druett et al, 2017) explained the blue and red shifts in the spectral lines and continuous emission of Hydrogen atoms observed during solar flares. This solar plasma research was done for the addition to the Nature Scientific Reports articles in general solar activity that predicted the modern Grand Solar Minimum between 2020 and 2053 (Zharkova et al, 2015) and the role of the Sun and global warming because of the solar inertial motion induced by the gravitation of large planet of the Solar System (Zharkova et al 2019; Zharkova, 2021).
V. Zharkova also wrote in 2012 a monograph on particle kinetics, wrote 12 chapters and served as the Editor for a book on automated recognition and classification of features in digital images. She also wrote in 2011 the two chapters on: 1 – particle acceleration and 2 – particle transport in solar flares in the book on high-energy particles measured with the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Recently, Zharkova 2021 published a chapter on Millennial Oscillations of solar irradiance describing Hallstatt’s two-millennial solar radiation cycle.
Joint Effect of Solar Activity and Solar Inertial Motion on Terrestrial Environment – presentation at ST14 by V.Zharkova read it
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