1. Interview ‘Solar activity, magnetic field and links to volcanic eruption frequencies’ by V. Zharkova, 9 June 2023

To David Mauriello a.k.a. DiamondLeah Shaper
3Canyons Permaculture Farm – Rio Blanco RiverOppenheimerranch.Org

read the pdf file or view the video of the interview

2. Interview ‘Scientific Integrity, Solar Activity, Grand Solar Minimum, Global Cooling’, February 2023

To David Mauriello a.k.a. DiamondLeah Shaper
3Canyons Permaculture Farm – Rio Blanco RiverOppenheimerranch.Org

view video

Recent talks at the international meetings about the modern grand solar minimum (2020-2053) and the role of orbital motion of the Sun on the temperature increase on Earth and other planets (with ppt files)

  1. Presentation at the International Conference in Astrophysics, 23-25 May 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine: Comparison of solar activity indices: sunspots and eigen vectors and the modern Grand Solar Minimum in progress (2020-2053) download it
  2. Presentation at the International Conference in Astrophysics, 23-25 May 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine: Periods of solar activity and orbital asymmetry of solar radiation deposition into the terrestrial atmospheredownload it

Links to the media 

  • Media coverage of the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM), or modern mini ice age in 2020-2053 is shown here
  • Problems with the Net Zero policies are listed here
  • Calls to Rescind the Calgary (Canada) Climate Emergency Declaration as it destroys the economy of the region and the whole country view here
  • The Final Nail in The Coffin Of “Renewable” Energy read here

Interview of V. Zharkova by Franco Battaglia, La Verita, the Italian newspaper read here

12 January 2023


Q. Prof. Zharkova, people say that the Earth is warming since the beginning of the Industrial revolution and that this is due to human activities. Do you have any comment on that?

A. Actually the Earth is warming since 1690, the minimum of the Little Ice Age. In 1976, Prof. John Eddy established that the terrestrial temperature follows solar radiation deposition during solar activity cycles, increasing during the solar cycle maxima and decreasing during solar minima. Then, in 1995, prof. Judith Lean and collaborators discovered and later in 2016 Prof. Don Easterbrook confirmed  that the input of solar radiation to Earth was decreased during the Maunder minimum in 1645-1710 by about 3 W/m2 leading to a decrease of terrestrial temperature during what is now called the Little Ice Age. Since 1700 and the recovery of the Maunder minimum the solar radiation deposition to Earth restored to previous level and terrestrial temperature followed solar activity cycles.

Q. Has then the  solar activity been increasing during the last few decades?

A. No. Actually the solar activity has been decreasing since the 80’s of the last century.

Q. This is why IPCC has concluded that the present warming is due to humans?

A. Exactly, the warming is present but it is not due to humans. They make a mistake: they assume that solar radiation is essentially constant, thereby attributing the warming to CO2’s enhanced concentration in the terrestrial atmosphere. 

Q. Could you clarify?

A. Within solar activity there are two important cycles: one – the small solar cycle – with a 11-year period and the other – the grand solar cycle – with a 350-year period. The grand solar cycles are separated by grand solar minima (GSMs), the most recent of them occurred during Maunder minimum (1645-1710). The GSM acts on the terrestrial environment  via the cold air jets coming from Arctic and Antarctica because of the reduction of solar UV radiation and ozone abundances in the terrestrial atmosphere.  Now there is a current solar cycle (cycle number 25) is showing to have the largest numbers of spotless days than any other cycles of the last 280 years of observations. During the modern GSM, similar to Maunder minimum, the solar radiation is expected to decrease by about 3 W/m2. The terrestrial temperature is then expected to decrease in the next three decades by about 1C. This was recorded during the Maunder Minimum and the same is expected in the modern GSM (2020-2050). 

But the further change of solar irradiance deposited to the Earth can be caused by other effects.

Q. Namely?

A. By orbital effects. There are well know Milankovitch cycles caused by various variation of the earth orbit eccentricity, inclination of its axis to the ecliptics, aberrations. These periods vary from 15K to 100K years and well protocolled in the terrestrial biomass. There is a shorter period of solar radiation changes with a period of about two millennia: Hallstatt’s cycle. It reflects medium-scale variations of the solar radiation level whose origin comes not from the dynamo activity inside the Sun but from the Sun’s position with respect to the orbit focus, or barycentre, where it supposed to reside according to Kepler motion, or so called, solar inertial motion (SIM). This means that the Sun is shifted, or wobbling from its focus/barycentre  position on two millennial scale, so that Sun-Earth distance has to change on the two millennial period. 

Basically, this happens because of the gravitation from Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, the Sun does not sit in the focus of the ellipse of the Earth orbit, but performs the motion called SIM (wobbling on smaller orbits) about this focus. This principle of wobbling stars is used to search for exoplanets because wobbling star proves that it has a planetary system attached. In fact, the official ephemeris of the Sun-Earth distance taken from Paris-Meudon observatory and NASA JPL sites show that in the millennium 1600-2600 the Sun in February-June of every year is closer to the Earth orbit when the Sun is closer to the point of the spring equinox of the Northern hemisphere, leaving the Earth to be further from the Sun in August-December than in the usual elliptical orbit when the Sun is in its focus. 

This SIM leads to an increase of the solar radiation deposited to the Earth every year during the first half of a year and, thus, to the increase of the terrestrial temperature in March-July of every year by approximately 10-12 W/m2 for each hemisphere. With the exchange of solar heating via the ocean the terrestrial atmosphere is heated to higher temperatures owing this SIM, and this extra heating occurs since the Maunder Minimum to last until 2600. The SIM provides the extra-solar heating of terrestrial atmosphere, which is not considered in the IPCC models. Hence, the solar irradiance is not a constant but changes on a scale of 11 and 350 years as induced by the solar dynamo action and on a two-millennial scale as induced by the solar inertial motion. 

In conclusion, the real reason of the current heating of terrestrial atmosphere since the Maunder minimum is this extra-solar heating caused by the orbital motion of the Sun. And currently the Sun is already visibly closer to the Earth (and other planet orbits) during the springs and summers. 

Q. Is there a way to test your theory?

A. Sure, it is. In the next 30 years it will be shown what is heating the Earth atmosphere: the Sun or human activity. Currently, the Sun is approaching the grand solar minimum (GSM) predicted by us in 2015, when the Sun itself is going into hibernation as all the observations of sunspots show, producing less and less active regions, flares, sunspots and coronal mass ejections. This should cause a steaming decrease of the terrestrial temperature by up to 1C in cycle 26 (2031-2042). This decrease should happen in spite the Sun already closer to Earth and increased by 2020 its temperature by 1.2C since the Maunder minimum.

If AGW were in action, then we would not observe any decrease of the terrestrial temperature, only its increase. However, this year and a few previous years show clearly that the Earth is on the course to a decrease of terrestrial temperature. We will see the terrestrial temperature to decrease and rather dramatically decrease in the next decade or two because of the reduced activity, or GSM, of the Sun.

Q. I imagine that the whole issue, including your finding, is still quite controversial. Would you then agree that it is safe to say that the matter is quite far from being settled?

A. Definitely! 

Well, in the medieval age the settled model of the solar system was Ptolemy’s model where the Sun and planets revolve about the Earth. They invented two circles for each planet to explain their strange jumps on the sky. The church considered the science settled then. 

So settled that when Copernicus proposed in 1532 the heliocentric system, where the Sun is the main central star and all planets revolve about it, they considered it as heresy.  We know what happened to Giordano Bruno and led to Galileo to deny Copernicus model to survive. 

Until nearly a century later, in 1610-1620  Kepler formulated three laws of the planets revolving about the central star. But only in 1665 or 1666 Isaak Newton discovered the gravity, which was only roughly (via central star-planets) included into Kepler’s laws. 

And only in 1965 Jose calculated the gravity effects not only of the central star on its planets but also of the planets on the central star, thus discovering the star’s motion, naming it SIM. Maybe it is the time to progress correctly with the orbital effects of solar and planetary motion!